I really love this week’s board! The colors are grand, the emotion is lovely. But I have a small problem:
I don’t like using green or yellow all that much.
I’m sure I could have stuck with just the teals, or maybe grabbed an image to trace like the girl on the board, but I wanted to challenge myself and use all the colors.
And so, I struggled. I’ve found that when you’re working on a page with colors you don’t usually like or use, you’re not going to like the page no matter what you do. I had a few ideas here and there, and tried to work as I normally would, but found, no matter how many layers I added, that I didn’t like the spread. At one point, I went to bed to read because I needed some space!
But I kept going. When you’re ready to give up, when the page is totally shit and you just want to rip it out and start over, that’s when you want to push yourself to do one more thing. Do one more drastic, crazy thing to the page with no thought of the layers you’ll be covering. Go all in. What’s the worst that can happen - you already don’t like what you’ve made!
Check out this week’s video to see my struggle with this spread - and sticking it out to the end, where I’ve made a page I actually kind of like!
(And there’s no audio to this week’s video as I can’t add it via YouTube with this machine. Next week will be back with audio, though!)