{points of two week #29: bubble wrap!}

note: i set this to auto-post while i was at cha, but apparently, blogs can have snaffus, even when programed!

Points of Two is an experiment in journaling with myself and Roben Marie! Check out our archives to see the previous weeks' pages.

Eeep! I'm about to run for CHA (actually, when this is posted, I'll be on the road), so this week it's short and sweet.

I'm in love with using bubble wrap on my pages. I just love how it looks, and how you can layer colors and the great texture it brings to the page. So, this week, we used that as our theme. Mmmm bubble wrap. And I'm sure you have some hanging around your house somewhere, so it's a free (cheap?) & fun supply to use!

Be sure to check out Roben-Marie's blog for her story!

(Roben's page features some bits from Art Bits #3, made with some of my own artwork, that's soon-to-be released!)