{points of two week #12: chance? or serendipity?}

Points of Two is an experiment in journaling with myself and Roben Marie! Check out our archives to see the previous weeks' pages.

This week's topic was about that feeling you get when something happens, and you know it's not just a coincidence.

This was spurred by the event I journaled about below. I know it happens in movies and on TV all the time, but how many times have YOU been somewhere and run into someone you haven't seen in awhile? For me? None. But then I was running into the library to check if my book had arrived and I hear someone shout my name, and poof! There's my friend N whom I haven't seen since leaving the 'bux. She was one o my regulars that I really connected with -- we'd sit and chat when she came through the drive-thru for like fifteen minutes (when there wasn't anyone behind her, of course!). Her troubles sounded a lot like my own, and we always parted saying we'd keep each other in our prayers and with a kiss'n'wave (you know, kiss your hand and wave at the person? is that a good description?).

It was such a chance encounter, and when we both admited we'd been thinking of each other the previous week, I knew this was serendipity. Which is defined as:

Serendipity is the effect by which one accidentally stumbles upon something fortunate, especially while looking for something entirely unrelated. ...

Which is totally what happened to me, but I think maybe kismet, or fate, is a better word. Because I DON'T think our meeting up was anything but on-purpse.

And don't forget to visit Roben-Marie's blog for her story!