{in the studio}

This has been the first week since my leap to full-time artist/writer that I've been able to spend the day in my studio space (I do all the computer work for the 'zine on my laptop while binging on DVD box sets of TV shows).


First, I had to re-arrange my supplies. The shelves are on the other side of the room, and I got tired of getting up each time I needed a new color of paint or random paper scrap. My favorite supplies are now on my desk. There's my laptop and journal -- the printer's to the right of the laptop.

fabric transfers

I thought it'd be fun to use fabric with pieces from my journal pages as embellishments on the Journal Bag I was working on today. I got some t-shirt fabric transfers from Wal-Mart and tried it out -- look at how awesome the journal pages transferred!!

felt flowers

I sewed the circles onto felt, then outlined the flowers. Under them is a journal page I finished a background on between layers and steps of projects (I work on several things at once to keep the juices flowing).

'heart on my shoulder' bags in progress

The felt "sticks" to the bag flap I painted this morning, so I can see the placement without having to sew anything down. To the left is another one of my bags; the underflap's painted, too! It's just waiting for some fun, swirly journaling. The flowers on the lighter bag will have stems and then will be journaled on.

So there you go! That was me, today. I also did some journal pages, and am now settling in for dinner and tonight's TV (my favorite show's on!!!) with my journal, some markers, and my laptop to work on some writing and a blog entry about the "theme" of my current journal.