new projects and a 'zine announcement!

Yes, I'm still alive! *laughs* The injuries from the car accident a few weeks ago have been making me sick and achey (is that even a word?!), so I haven't had much time for art. But I HAVE been working on a few projects that I hope to have finished this week!

  • Collage sheets! From those wonderful pages I discovered a few weeks ago. So far, I've got all the original images cropped and will be printing & assembling them today/tomorrow (depending on when I can get them printed on a nice laser printer). They'll be $1.50 each, and are full of great images!
  • Inspiration Packs! Packs of paper, embellishments, and all kinds of fun stuff for use in your journals/artwork. I love putting these together for swaps and thought, "Why not put MORE together!" *G* There will be small and large ones, and I think they'll stay under $15 each. And every one will be different!

Lastly, a new 'zine!

Mini-Zine Cover!

My original idea was to include a small booklet with the Inspiration Packs...and, well, it's kind of GROWN! I thought it would be about 10 pages, but I'm at 20 right now, without final formatting. Here's the table of contents:

+ Introduction
+ Method to my Madness (Art Journaling 101, cleaned up a bit)
+ Anatomy of a Page (brand new and more detailed)
+ Words as Art: Adding Journaling to Beautiful Pages
+ Journaling Prompts: Jump-Starts for Inspiration
+ My Paint Pallet: Developing a Personal Color Language

Like I said, it's approx. 20 pages in full color, bound by hand with a little bit of embellishment. ;) And if you pre-order, you'll receive a free gift!

The cost will be $6, but if you pre-order, you'll get it for $4.50. I do accept PayPal. You can order it on the Publications page.  

If you have any questions, please email me at kiraboshi[at]