A Happy Day Teaching!

Sunday was a fun-day, for sure!  

Due to a mess-up at the store, our class was small but it meant we could sit and chat as we worked! One was a returning student, the other a member of Journaling Deep! In-between lessons and me drawing on the white board (I felt like a real teacher with demonstrations, supplies lined up to match the steps in the project, and things to draw on that board!), we talked about art, life, health, and jumping outside our comfort zones. 

It is so rewarding, as a teacher, to be able to have an idea in your head & heart, one that you know will help people dive deeper into their creative life, and see that sparkle in their eyes when they get it. I am thankful for the small and understanding class that allowed me to find my footing, and pray that good ideas really do spread, and I'll be teaching larger classes in the near future (and certainly checking in with the store more often to avoid snaffus like what happened this week for SURE; I'm still miffed about the whole situation!). 

This was the first time I taught Paint, Play, Discover, but I can already tell this is going to grow and blossom in my own journaling practice and hopefully that of my little class!

Thanks to Marlene and Lisa for coming out and being so patient with me and my fibro-fog! 

(Because we were chatting, we ran out of time! Oops!)

(And here's a bit from my page that I've been working on here and there!)

And don't forget -- I'll be teaching Journal-Making Sunday, June 24th @1pm. We'll tour the store and learn about all the different types of papers, and make our own hard-cover journals/sketchbooks. Click here for more information!