{[video] four awesome things to do with collage pauge}

This week's video is all about fun techniques I discovered you can do with Collage Pauge. If you've been a regular here, you know how much I love this stuff; I decided that it would be fun to share all I've discovered through experimentation with it!

Sorry about some of the shots, btw. I was experimenting with 2 cameras and failed to see the correlation between a shot over my right shoulder + being right handed. But, like with journaling & painting, experimentation is how you learn, grow, and improve.

And since I've spent so much time online this week, I'm signing off to finish cleaning and work on my painting for this week. It's windy and rainy here in Phoenix today, so what's better than curling up with tea in your pajamas and painting?

ETA: I forgot -- I took a screenshot of me working last night, just to give you an idea of how I did this. And how crazy I am...