I'm here!

Woe. I've been neglectful for a bit, haven't I? So sorry. I've been working on some projects here in KiraLand and never thought that maybe all you would like to see them. So, tell me:

What do you want to see?

While I read blogs myself, I look for different things than other people. What is it you look for in a blog? What would you like to see? I'm just curious, myself, as to what others are thinking.

One of these days, I'm going to get the two (yes, 2!) videos I've filmed done and posted. I swear. The 'zine's sucking up my time, but I'm having a blast. It's going to be at least twice as long as the first two!

Know I am here, adore you all, and will always answer an email.

<3 Kira