Hodgepodge #2

Hodgepodge #2


E-zine, 73 pages in full color.

Here’s my story via my art journals — my ups and downs, my photos and outings and friends and frustrations. My family and loves and hates. My stories and thoughts and essays. My struggles and triumphs. It is a book of courage and strength and yes, a few pity parties.

From the Introduction:

This issue deals with that adolescent stage. The middle ground between getting started and blossoming. 

Everyone knows the difficulties we encounter during our teen years, no matter where you’re from or your current age. You’ve gone through life as a child, always depending on your parents for love, protection, and guidance. Think of them as those artists you admired when you started, the ones you copied in order to get your footing, take your first steps. They’re there to teach you the ropes of life, give you advice, teach you how to make a PB&J sandwich and ride a bike and swim at the neighborhood pool. 

These pages are raw. Like you’d expect of a teenager’s diary, there’s angst. Happy days. Doodles. To-do lists. Life was mirroring this transitional period in my life. There are essays to help guide you, exercises to boost your creativity, and a hand to hold when you need to laugh or have a good cry.

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